“A Feline Tale: How a Blind Cat’s Beauty Inspired its Owner to Adopt an Identical Special Needs Kitty”

Beatrice Rosato planned on relocating to a new residence where she would be living alone. In order to have a companion, she decided to adopt a feline friend. She came across Cassandra, a gorgeous blind cat while browsing the website of Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali (ENPA), an animal rescue organization situated near her abode in Parma, Italy.

According to Beatrix, when she came across Cassandaon the internet, she had a gut feeling that they would make great friends. In November 2018, she finally met the beautiful ginger and white cat and was immediately greeted with warmth and familiarity as Cassandra jumped onto her lap. Beatrix later discovered that Cassandra was born in August 2017, which meant she was only 15 months old when she was rescued by ENPA. Prior to her rescue, Cassandra spent most of her life on the streets, battling a severe eye infection that was eventually cured by the volunteers who found her.

The adorable feline named Cassandra was rescued, but unfortunately, her eyes had suffered severe damage from an untreated infection, which eventually led to them being surgically removed. Despite this setback, Cassanda’s recovery from the operation was quick. Luckily for her, a kind-hearted woman named Beatrice fell in love with her at first sight and decided to adopt her immediately. “I knew she was the one for me,” said Beatrice, who took Cassandra home with her on the very same day they met.

The beautiful lady in the picture, as seen on @picci.inwonderland’s Instagram account, quickly familiarized herself with her new surroundings. Beatrix was amazed at how easy it was to take care of Cassandra, that she decided to adopt a second blind cat – Omero – from ENPA just after three months. According to Beatrix, “Despite their striking resemblance, they are not related.”

Cassandra and Omero are both doing well a year later, despite the assumption that caring for blind cats is more challenging than caring for sighted ones. But according to their owner, Beatrice, they don’t require any extra care or accommodations. They can use their litter box, eat, and navigate their home easily, thanks to their mental map. Although Cassandra cannot see, she is just like any other cat who loves to sleep, eat, and cuddle with her mom and strangers. She’s quite confident and loving towards everyone. However, it’s not safe for her and Omero to be outside unsupervised, so Beatrice ensures that all doors and windows are closed at all times.

The picture shared by @picci.inwonderland on Instagram showcases the importance of taking minor precautions for the safety of your pets. Beatrix, the pet owner, believes that providing a secure and happy home to her pets Cassandra and Omero only requires one to be affectionate towards them.

Beatrice receives plenty of love from her feline friend Cassandra, and she hopes that the unique bond they share will encourage others to adopt blind cats. She believes that blind cats are just as special and loving as any other cat, and wishes that more people understood this.

In November 2018, Beatrice set out to adopt a pet with the intention of giving a home to an animal in need. She never expected to bring home a cat with special needs, but today, over a year later, she feels incredibly grateful to be sharing her life with not one, but two blind cats named Omero and Cassandra. Beatrice finds that Cassandra brings immense joy to her life and she believes that cats with special needs have a unique power to uplift their owner’s spirits.

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